Wednesday 3 May 2017

Planning Part 11 - Days Ten through Twelve Quebec City

The boys and I have been watching Canada: The Story of Us religiously every Sunday night. For those, unfamiliar with the show, it was made in honour of Canada's 150th, and through re-enactment, storytelling and guest commentary shares the tales of the people, places and events that shaped Canada. While the show has faced some criticism regarding its selection and depiction of historic events, I highly recommend it, especially for children.

Since the show is chronological, Quebec City (Canada's first permanent settlement) has factored prominently in the first few episodes. For the boys, this has created a curiosity and enthusiasm for visiting the place that no history lesson from Mom or Dad ever could have. I can only imagine that this will translate into a richer experience once we are there. For example, the boys aren't likely to grasp the nuances of the Seven Years war and the battles in the French and English colonies, but when they stand on the Plains of Abraham, they will be able to visualize the battle that took place there and understand it was significant to our country's history.
Map of Old Quebec City

For myself, I don't really need a television show to pique my interest in Quebec City. It's been on my bucket list since I was a child, and as such, easily wins as the location I am most excited to visit on this journey. Because of this, I am also not overly eager to over plan our stay here either. I would be very content leisurely discovering it at our own pace.

That said, there are a few things I don't want us to miss. The first being the changing of the guard at La Citadelle de Quebec.The Citadelle and it's museum are interesting sites unto themselves - being the largest British fortress in North America, home to the Governor General and an active regiment of the Canadian Armed Forces. But the changing of the guard, based on the ceremony at Buckingham Palace and involving Batisse the Goat, seems to bring the experience to another level.

Of course, the Fortifications of Quebec National Historic Site would be almost impossible to miss. I am sure the boys will be quite keen to see the musket firing demonstrations that they offer. Aside from that, I expect the bulk of our time will be spent wandering the Old City - something for which I am going to have bribe the boys with multiple servings of poutine.

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