Sunday 3 December 2017

July 20 - Last Day in Nova Scotia

Peggy's Cove, 2017
July 20 was the turning point of the trip - where our movements shifted from East and South to West and North. We were beginning the return trip. Of course, there was still a lot we wanted to see, and since it was our last day in Nova Scotia, we decided to cover as much ground as we could.

We got an early start, and took the scenic route to Peggy's Cove. About a third of the way, we got our first real taste of maritime fog. While it may have obscured the view, it added an ethereal sense to an already surreal landscape, and couldn't have been more perfect.

We had initially thought of skipping Peggy's Cove, but I am really glad we took contrary advice and made the detour. The area was stunning, and truly unique. The kids had a blast playing in the rocks (though needed constant reminding to stay away from the black ones - i.e. within range of a rogue wave or slipping into the ocean), and by arriving early (and in the fog), we had the place nearly to ourselves.
Peggy's Cove, 2017

Peggy's Cove, 2017
Whale jaw bone, Lunenburg 2017
After exploring Peggy's Cove and spending time in the gift shop, we made our way to our second stop of the day - Lunenburg. By the time we reached our destination, the fog had cleared and the day had begun to warm up considerably. Given the old town's UNESCO designation, I had had a perception that going to Lunenburg would be like stepping back in time - horse-drawn carrigages, people in period dress, etc. And while there was a bit of that, it certainly didn't take over the town. Nonetheless, the town was quaint and picturesque with many little shops and restaurants to explore.

We spent some time walking through town and on the waterfront. We had unfortunately missed the Bluenose II as it left earlier in the morning for Halifax, but the were a few tall ships left to see. We then ventured to Montague Street where we had a fantastic lunch at the Salt Shaker Deli, and did a bit of sourvenir shopping.

Lunenburg, 2017

Lunenburg, 2017

In my early planning, I thought we would head to Digby from Lunenburg and take the ferry to St. John. Surprisingly, the family wasn't terribly interested in the ferry. Jay was concerned about the cost, and was interested in going to the Annapolis valley, and for my part, I didn't want the stress of trying to reach somewhere on a schedule. So we altered our plans and headed to Kentville, and from there made our way overland to Fredericton. Everywhere we drove offered something new and interesting to see or do. Christmas tree farms in the interior of the province. Farmer's Markets in Wolfville. Windy roads and salt marshes of the Glooscap Trail.We ended the day by heading back into New Brunswich and stopping for the night in Fredericton. 

Start to finish, we had spent a considerable amount of time in Nova Scotia (particularly in comparison to its size). Yet of all the places we had been, it was the one that most captivated us. We left feeling like we had only skimmed the surface, and that we could easily spend several more weeks just exploring the province in more depth.

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