Tuesday 11 July 2017

July 6 & 7 - Sault Ste Marie to Ottawa

On July 6, we left Sault Ste Marie and turned east. Immediately the landscape changed - the rocky escarpment replaced with rolling hills, the spruce bogs with hay fields and deciduous forest, and vast wilderness with fishing outfitters and antique markets.

The first stop was Dynamic Earth in Sudbury, ON. The museum focuses on earth sciences and includes an impressive mineral and fossil collection as well as interactive displays related to the mining industry and the geological forces that shaped the Sudbury area. The most impressive feature was the glass elevator that took you down a mine shaft for a tour that explores the mine as it would be in the 1800s, 1950s and today. We really enjoyed our visit here, and would highly recommend it to anyone in the area.

Big Nickel, Sudbury 2017

A few more hours on the road, and we were in Muskoka cottage country. We stopped for the evening in Huntsville, where we had a lovely dinner and enjoyed exploring the quaint downtown area.

Huntsville, 2017

Statue of Tom Thomson Huntsville, 2017

The morning of the 7th was spent in Algonquin Provincial Park. We completed a couple of small hikes (one through mixed forest to a viewpoint, and the other around a small lake), which were enjoyable save for the bugs. Despite the heavy use of bug spray, we managed to add to the collection of bites we received in Northern Ontario. We dodged the rain long enough for a lakeside picnic, but with eminent afternoon showers approaching, we decided to head to Ottawa without exploring the park further. It is definitely a place I'd like to come back to in order to camp, canoe and explore properly.

Algonquin Provincial Park, 2017

Algonquin Provincial Park, 2017

Algonquin Provincial Park, 2017

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